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China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) platform is an inclusive forum for China watchers from the region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). It aims at forming a consortium for monitoring and evaluating the rising influence of the People’s Republic of China in countries of CEE, which participate in the China-proposed 16+1 initiative. The consortium provides a platform for sharing information, best practices and lessons learned from various China-related projects and activities conducted by its members and facilitates discussions among members as well as general public. 

The working model for CHOICE is network-based – we facilitate contact, serve as a primary source of information in English on China’s activities in 16 CEE countries and create synergies to support future projects. CHOICE online platform disseminates analyses, articles and op-eds of its members. It also features video statements of leading China experts from within as well as outside the region on various Cina-related issues. Thus it promotes the voice of China scholars from the region of Central and Eastern Europe and helps in connecting them with other China-studying institutions, research bodies and individuals. 

What does a membership mean in practice?

  • Members for the network share their relevant work (articles, op-eds, analyses) in English on the CHOICE website. They are also encouraged to share their views via Oxford-style debates and to record video statement(s) for the section Voice for CHOICE. Through the CHOICE web site, your work will duly be read by people who might not otherwise see it. At least one activity per half a year is required for keeping the membership status.
  • The network serves as ‘one stop shop’ for those seeking China expertise inside as well as outside of the CEE region. We accept only original work which you authored or co-authored and which are in accordance with intellectual property rights provisions. Reprints of your materials published elsewhere are possible and we will provide a link to the original source of information.

Apart from the CHOICE online platform, which is inclusive and open to all interested China observers, CHOICE also provides a space for face-to-face meetings of the ‘CHOICE task force’ members. CHOICE task force is a pool of experts who work closely on various tasks connected to China. The membership of CHOICE task force is by invitation only.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the CHOICE network, publish on the CHOICE website, record a video statement for the Voice of CHOICE, please contact us.